Saturday, February 20, 2010


Survived the first quarter, now 70% of the way into the second and up to my eyeballs in work. Annotated bibliography, more seminar papers than is reasonable, and a dry run on the major language exam. Upside: Enjoying my classes. Downside: Not fully feeling the mental gelling of paper topics, and I need to have my first 20 pp. rough draft done in 11 days. Second done in, um, 17 days. Plus a 10-15 pp. starter-draft to kick off the spring Arbeitseminar on Milton. After this, though, it's a continuation of the same topic for one, plus poetry (Renaissance sonnet paired with a course on prosody--and I need both). Oh, and taking the language exam in earnest.

Anyhow. I'm going to get it all done. I just need to eat, then shower, and hopefully my brain will decide that we're back on speaking terms. And it's not the schoolwork (or some convivial stress-relief) that's doing in our relationship, just, um, stuff. Stuff that will sort itself out fairly soon one way or the other (nothing bad, just, um, stuff).