Friday, April 16, 2010

Oops. Sorry. Busy.

1. I'm pregnant. This means I'll be taking advantage of all the childcare options and general flexibility of graduate school over the next few years. It's one more reason to be glad I'm free of the cube farm. Another advantage is that I shouldn't have an infant depending on me by the time I'm on the job market. The biggest question in my mind on the long-term plan is how to do siblings (I'm thinking post-qualifying exam).

2. Biggest downside of pregnancy is migraines. I had erroneously assumed I'd gotten pregnancy fog early, and hadn't connected it to my increasingly insistent headaches, until I was on the verge of hysterics (which would have just made it all hurt more) and went in to see the doc. A month of pain management later, and I'm keeping up just fine.

3. Second-biggest downside: Having to take incompletes for winter quarter due to the migraines (and resulting high blood pressure). That said, I think I can get all my papers squared away before the end of the quarter and still keep up on spring coursework, especially now that I'm not wrestling with housing.

4. Campus housing is a bureaucratic nightmare, especially if you already lived on campus before applying/entering the program. Someone will assume that they'll get you on a list for a contract, but delete you from the list of entrants needing placement, and then you'll do a wild goose chase dance until you finally manage to get the attention of the right person. It's the same story as any other stupid bureaucracy problem, just the particulars differ. Thankfully, it is now resolved, and I can get back to being a student.

5. I also have my migraine management set for a month, as well as no OB appointments. The only obstacles are ones posed by the shifting nature of my body, especially the hips. It, well, hurts.

6. As much as I relish being able to return to focusing on academia, the stress of the past week alone is telling me I need a day of computer games, fluffy urban fantasy novels, sitting in front of the TV knitting, and generally slacking as a mental health move. I don't even have to go anywhere farther than one building over today!